We have received many comments expressing the hope that the flavor of drip chicken essence can be richer, but after enhancement, customers think that the chicken flavor is too strong and sweet taste is lost. After discussion by the management, Yusaika believes that tastes and opinions of customers are the most precious, so they deliberately re-produced a new batch of fresh and sweet flavored drip chicken essence, regardless of the cost. The quality is exactly the same as the previous version, and we would like to give it away for free to customers who have purchased during the below period.

Period: 2/2/2021-28/2/2021 for Malaysia and Singapore, 8/2/2021-28/2/2021 for Hong Kong and Macau.

If you have purchased drip chicken essence during this period, you can contact customer service team and provide the order number or receipt. After we check the information, you can participate in this event for free! As many boxes, as you bought before, you will get as many boxes as free! If you can provide receipts that you purchased during the period we have mentioned, buy one box and get one box, and get ten boxes if you buy ten boxes! 

This is a free gift to our customers who have always supported us, we hope you will like it!